Enjoy Street Food While Traveling – what to watch out for


Enjoy Street Food While Traveling from blog.atlastravelweb.com

Some of the best food I’ve ever eaten (and I do like to eat!) has been from street stalls and vendors while traveling. Sound dangerous? Not really, but if you’re squeamish or have gastric problems, read no further. However, if you want to savor the flavor of the country in which you’re traveling, make your way to that interesting looking food stall or street vendor…don’t be shy! You’ll be well rewarded.

Two of the most memorable taste experiences I have had abroad were of street food. The first was many years ago in Paris…a rather small street stand on a side street, very near the center of this fabulous Grande Dame of a city……………..        To read the rest of this article go to the Atlas Travel Blog

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  1. […] Enjoy Street Food While Traveling – what to watch out for is a post from: Taste for Cooking […]

  2. I am a food lover and likes to taste and eat food of various places during my travel.I faces many of the good experience related to food at the streets .I like the write up.Thanks for this post.


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