Free Fish Tacos at Long John Silvers


Long John Silvers is introducing new Baja Fish Tacos. In order to get the word out, they are offering a FREE fish taco on July 14th from the time they open to 2:30 p.m. The new menu item will consist of batter-dipped whitefish topped with lettuce, crumblies and Baja sauce. Limit one per customer. There is no purchase necessary. The tacos will sell for 99 cents.

“Fish tacos, a long-time favorite recipe in coastal areas, are rapidly becoming a passion for the rest of the country,” said Ben Butler, president of Long John Silver’s. “We’re proud to be the first quick-service restaurant to spread this latest food craze across the nation and meet the needs of contemporary taste buds.”

Long John Silver’s is a division of Louisville-based Yum! Brands Inc.

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