Banana Ice Cream Recipe


All time sweet treat that does not required an ice cream maker. Our wonderful friend at Get Innergized with Renee has a quick and easy recipe for making banana ice cream at home and here’s the best part you don’t need a fancy ice cream maker. Renee likes to usually cut up a ton of bananas, place them in a freezer bag and then take out as much as I need for that recipe and go from there.  Instead of making one entire batch, I like to make it fresh, each time. You can make a larger batch, refreeze, and then mix it up again, but I prefer to make it fresh. 

Banana Ice Cream Recipe

2 frozen bananas
2 to 4 tablespoons of your favorite dairy (optional)
Toppings of your choice (handful of walnuts and chocolate chips were used in this recipe)

1. Place frozen bananas and dairy in food processor.  Mix until creamy (about 5 to 10 minutes, depending on how frozen the banana’s are).
2. Place in your favorite serving bowl.
3. Turn off all distractions, sit down by yourself or with your family and/or friends, take a few deep breaths, say how much gratitude you have for your food, your family, your life and dig in, slowly and savor the deliciousness!

Variations: add 1 to 2 tablespoons of cacao powder in food processor with banana’s and dairy to make chocolate banana ice cream.  Add other toppings such as coconut, pecans, marshmallows, peanuts, dark chocolate shavings…the sky is the limit!). 

Recipe adapted from Andrea Beaman

What’s your favorite summertime ice cream flavor?  I have to say, I love this one, but I’m a huge cookies and cream or anything peanut butter, chocolate and nuts related lover.

©  2011 Renee Yemma ® All Rights Reserved.

Renee C. Yemma, Holistic Health Coach.  She is a mother, writer, teacher, coach, photographer and so much more.  To receive weekly healthy living articles on loving delicious, nutritious foods and putting YOU first without feeling guilty about it,

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